Completed Finished Diamond Painting

Completed Finished Diamond Painting. This painting is made out of small, round, shiny, colorful and diamond shaped rhinestones (2.8mm) pasted on painting canvas by myself. These rhinestones give the painting a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Ici 109 99

These rhinestones give the painting a There are so many fun ones including halloween, disney, unicorns & more. I just enjoy doing these so much.

I hope you enjoy seeing them.

There are so many fun ones including halloween, disney, unicorns & more. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 31.01.2020 · today i am sharing some of my completed diamond paintings with you. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 14.01.2019 · today i am sharing my most recent completed diamond paintings with you.

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Completed diamond painting 5d space for reflection (74 x 55 cm) 29.1" by 21.7" in. .. Are you looking for a colorful and sparkling diamond painting to brighten up your home / office / hotel / restaurant?